Usually ,derivatives trading positions will be charged by swap rates, which will affect your transactions and profits.
FXCG swap-free account allows you to hold positions without fear of continuous accumulation of costs, and perfectly execute your trading strategy to achieve your expected goals.
Your expectations and rights are the purpose of our services, providing near-perfect quality assurance for your transactions.
There is no pressure of any swap rate to be charged , your position will not be added by any additional costs, and your trading strategy can be perfectly executed.
We provide a full range of account swap-free service.
The FXCG ECN accounts provide trading spreads starting from 0.0 pips, which significantly reduces your transaction costs and thereby increases your profit margin.
FXCG provides the deposit bonus up to 50%, which can greatly increase the available trading funds in your account, allowing you to freely execute your trading strategies.
Here's an example to understand how these fees might affect you with a standard broker versus our Swap-Free accounts.
Example: Holding XAU/USD for 5 Nights
Currency Pair
Swap Fee
Long Buy 1 lot (100,000 units)
Swap fee $22
Long Buy 1 lot (100,000 units)
5 Nights Swap Fees: 5 x $22 = $110
5 Nights Swap Fees: $0
(* The swap rates of each broker is slightly different, this case is for illustration)